At Legacy Home Health Care, our mission is to facilitate patients’ recovery and enable them to lead fulfilling, independent lives within the familiar surroundings of their homes. Specializing in tailored treatments for stroke and cardiac patients, we are committed not only to effective rehabilitation but also to stroke prevention.
As May marks Stroke Awareness Month, we take this opportunity to advocate for stroke prevention and raise awareness. The American Stroke Association offers invaluable resources, including their F.A.S.T. acronym, aiding in the identification of early symptoms. Remember these warning signs: F.A.S.T.
– Face Drooping
– Arm Weakness
– Speech Difficulty
– Time to call 911
Shockingly, every 40 seconds, an individual in the U.S. suffers a stroke. It could occur anywhere – on your street, at your workplace, or in a familiar store. Recognizing stroke symptoms promptly and dialing 911 could be lifesaving, potentially making the difference between full recovery and lasting disability.
Swift treatment significantly enhances the likelihood of recovery. Patients administered the clot-busting drug IV r-tPA Alteplase within 90 minutes of symptom onset are nearly three times more likely to recover with minimal or no disability. Additionally, for some cases, a clot removal procedure is recommended, with 91% of patients treated with a stent retriever within 150 minutes experiencing favorable outcomes.
Understanding that stroke is predominantly treatable underscores the importance of timely intervention. In Florida, the University of Florida has introduced the innovative Mobile Stroke Unit, designed to mitigate or prevent stroke effects when a patient calls 911.
Furthermore, our Pathways to Independence program offers a comprehensive home health care approach, empowering patients to identify risk factors and recognize early warning signs of stroke. For additional information, click below or contact us at